French fashion house Chanel create some of the most iconic and highly sought after handbags in the world. The classic flap and boy bags are reinvented each season, however the design of them remains timeless and they are always available in classic black lambskin or caviar leathers. However, one of the more overlooked areas on offer are the small leather goods.
Chanel have just released their latest collection of WOC's, card holders and purses. The wallet on chain in particular is a fantastic investment, it is the perfect size for a small bag-come-large wallet and has all of the compartments you could need for your cards and cash, meaning this is the perfect accessory to take on a night out.
The latest collection under creative director Karl Lagerfeld features many of the classic designs that Chanel are known for including the chevron stripe and the diamond quilting. They have also drawn inspiration from their camellia flower for some of this season's latest accessories. For colours they have remained classic with mostly black, white and nude with some metallics and pops of colour, which is in keeping with their space theme for this season. It seems the fur trend is also going to continue for accessories this season as they have covered accessories such as the wallet on chain in a soft black fur.
There's no denying that investing in some small leather goods from Chanel is an easier and more affordable way to bring some Parisian-chic to your wardrobe. You won't regret buying these perfect little accessories for this autumn/winter. See some of our favourite pieces from the collection below.